Facilities at Hotels in Digha

Swimming Pool

Tired from your travels? Take a refreshing dip in our outdoor pool to cool off. Simply splash around, try that butterfly stroke or perfect that backstroke. Let the cool and conducive weather of Digha restore your energy levels. ( Timing 7am to 7pm)

Hotels in Digha-Swimming Pool View
Luxury Hotels in Digha-Kardio


If you're worried about that weight you gained during your vacation or simply want to stay in your regime even during your time off, you can make use of our fully-equipped Kardio gym in Digha to work your muscles.

Aura Salon

Taking care of oneself during a vacation or while visiting a new place can be challenging. If you wish to get a relaxing massage, do your nails, or take care of your feet, you can visit our Aura salon in Digha and leave the rest to us!

Hotels in Digha-Aura Salon
Luxury Hotels in Digha-The Chtchill Room

The Churchill Room

The in-house cognac bar at Abhyagama Hotel, The Churchill Room, offers the finest liquors that will soothe your mood. The upbeat ambience and impeccable service make for a revitalising experience. We have signature beverages of international brands, as well as local crown jewels. You can also have a relaxing smoke on these premises, with the cigar of your choice. Select from our wide range of cocktails, non-alcoholic beverages, and appetising snacks to unwind after a long day! (Opening Shortly)


We have a gazebo by the Pool which can be decorated as per your requirements. Guests can have a romantic private dinner as the serenading breeze from the sea makes the evening much more intimate!

Hotels in New Digha-Gazebo